Health Care

The CLM Healthcare Group regularly counsels healthcare providers, including physicians, dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, physical therapists, optometrists, speech and occupational therapists, acupuncturists, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants and alternative health providers in all areas of law, including federal and state regulations, professional corporations and partnership matters, employment issues, disputes among practice owners, managed care issues and hospital and disciplinary matters. Our Healthcare attorneys serve as counsel to numerous medical practices ranging from solo practitioners to large groups and institutions, and have served as counsel to regional medical and dental associations.

Healthcare is both a profession and a business. Resultantly, CLM’s healthcare clients benefit from CLM’s expertise in business and transactional law, and CLM attorneys regularly counsel its healthcare clients in matters involving real estate, business financing, equipment leasing, acquisition and disposition of professional practices, employment issues, mediation and resolution of disputes between professional partners, third party reimbursement issues, and appearances before licensing and investigatory agencies. CLM has assisted healthcare providers in the establishment of new practices, the acquisition of existing practices, the growth and development of those practices, and in the planning for and implementation of succession planning for such practices.

CLM healthcare clients also benefit from the assistance of other CLM attorneys in connection with their non-healthcare legal needs, including the availability of the firm’s real estate, litigation, and tax, trusts and estates and elder care attorneys.

Due to the business and transactional focus of CLM lawyers for its healthcare clients, it does not require the use of protected health information (PHI) as defined under HIPAA, and no such PHI should be delivered to CLM at any time.